Back to Basics and Beyond!

I am super excited to have a new class schedule starting this week with some fun changes!  First, my Monday evening class at 14th Street is now a Dharma 1 class!  This is a perfect class for beginners to Dharma Yoga or regular Dharma Yoga practitioners who are looking to work on the foundations of their practice.  It's timed perfectly as the last several months I started integrating a beginners Dharma practice into my own morning routine in addition to a more advanced personal practice in the afternoon.  Going back to basics has been profoundly impactful on my own practice.  It has allowed me to take time to work on foundational poses and find ease in the practice to experience deep meditation.  I encourage all of us to see level 1 classes as an opportunity to jump start a new practice or deepen an already seasoned practice.  I know it has been a powerful addition to my own experience with yoga these past few months and I'm excited to share it on a weekly basis.

I'm also excited to have my Thursday evening class at 14th Street shift to a Dharma 2-3 class.  We'll be exploring  more intermediate and advanced variations of poses, pranayama breathing techniques, chants, and meditations.  An advanced class is not just about deepening the physical practice, but moving us to deeper philosophical teachings and subtle practices.  This will be a nice addition to challenging you if you come to my Dharma 1-2 classes.

Check out my latest schedule and join me in the celebration of Dharma Yoga, a complete Classical Yoga practice that continues to astound me every single day in my own life.