5 way so to soothe your sensitive nervous system in uncertain times

How are you holding up? 

So many of us are at the edge of our seats right now.  Worn out from the pandemic and the lead up to the election (if you’re in the US like I am).  It’s been A LOT.  And after I received a surprising emergency call this weekend that a loved one’s mental health was in a very dark place, it just brought home again how sensitive people are really struggling right now. 

You might be doing great and well resourced.  If that’s the case, I’m extremely happy to know that and I still want to see you building your resilience even more.  

If you’ve been struggling, then I hope this post is is balm to your heart to know you aren’t alone.  It’s completely natural fo feel frayed right now with everything we’ve been working through collectively and personally.

I wanted to do my part to help.  So I recorded a brief video to share five ways you can support your sensitive nervous system in uncertain times. 

This video includes some of my favorite strategies for you to draw on in the days ahead.  Post-election and beyond.  Enjoy!

PS. if you enjoyed this video, please share this post with three friends!

Here’s your soothing fears meditation practice. A juicy combination of somatic, meditative, and journaling practices.

Comment below and tell me how these 5 strategies support you right now.