
Psychic safety and discernment

Psychic safety and discernment

Many years ago when I first started opening up to my intuitive abilities I made a prayer.

I asked the Universe to open up to everything. I wanted to know about all the mysteries of life. I wanted to understand the different realms. I wanted to meet more guides and unseen forces in life.

My enthusiasm was born from the growing connection with my spirit guides. I had accessed and completed healing on some of my past lives. And recognized that the more I opened up, the less I knew! The Universe was far more magical than I had realized! And that was exciting!

This invocation led to some wonderful shifts:

  • Communication with my paternal grandfather’s spirit since his passing strengthened. My encounters went from accidental to intentional.

  • Meeting different guides.

  • Learning that guides fulfill different purposes, roles, and even length of relationships.

  • And I connected with some older magical powers like the Egyptian goddess, ISIS.

Forgotten boundaries: psychic protection

But first, let’s start with a story.

For many years I traveled to the west coast to retreat and visit a Buddhist community. The land and the people there served as a second home. I loved the rural landscape and inevitable interesting encounters with nature.  But sleeping was always...interesting.  

During my stays I usually slept in the visitor dorm. I had many strange encounters in this building. Some nights I heard loud noises in the tool storage area underneath, like someone was rummaging around. I passed it off as one of the community members late at night remembering something they needed for the next day’s project. Other times I was convinced I was being watched. I felt a male presence and then told myself, it must just be the wild animals that wander the property. In essence, I kept dismissing the feelings I had that something was off and someone who didn’t quite belong was there.  

Was it just my past trauma? Or was there something more?  

I spent most visits tending to my inner children, making connections with my feelings and my trauma, and dismissing what remained. Until one night, I woke up to find a dark figure hovering right above my body.  The feeling that someone was too close for comfort jolted me awake. Without even thinking, I closed my eyes and started to repeat a protection mantra in my heart. I waited until I felt a shift and then opened my eyes back up. The shadow was gone.

I finally found myself at a crossroads.  I now had no doubt that an unwell spirit was hanging out in, bothering, and terrorizing those of us in the dorm. Something told me others were feeling the same, but not saying anything.  And so, one morning I broke the ice and said “I think there’s a bad spirit haunting the dorm.”  

When I looked up from my bowl of oatmeal I saw faces of relief. And what came next was both surprising and affirming.  SO many women were feeling the same and too shy to say anything. Even more amazing was that there was consensus that the presence was male, stuck, frustrated, angry, definitely trying to scare us, and only came at night.  

Over the next 24 hours I got permission from the senior community members to do some serious psychic clearing and release rituals to invite this spirit to move on and connect to energies that will support them to heal.  After completing some rituals alone and then in community, I was happy to discover that I and the other women sleeping in the dorm rested soundly that night and beyond.  

I’m grateful this community was open to both talking about and addressing the complex reality we were experiencing.  We knew that this spirit was likely confused and frustrated. Maybe they even wanted to transition and leave, but couldn’t figure out how. Somehow our rituals gave the permission, energy, or connections they need to leave.  

Not all spiritual communities are willing to work with the nuance of the spirit world. Because many spiritual communities fall into one of two extremes:  

  • They believe all spirit contact is evil…OR

  • “Light-wash” spirit contact as always love and light. 

My professional and personal experience taught me that the spirit world includes loving, malevolent, neutral, mischievous, powerful, confused, lost, and indifferent aspects and energies. In other words, the spirit world is more complicated than an evil versus love dichotomy.  And is it no surprise?  Humans are the same!  

That’s why I’m passionate about sensitives developing psychic protection skills as they open up to their intuition.  

On this week’s episode of Tune In with Marci, I’m exploring the world of psychic protection.

I discuss:

  • What is psychic protection?

  • Why do we need psychic boundaries?

  • What happens when we don’t have psychic boundaries?

  • And three ways to start cultivating psychic protection.

Have you ever had spirit contact that you doubted? Tell me in the comments below! I’d love to hear your stories.

much love,


PS. My life-changing intuition development program (Intuition Unlocked, formerly Intuition 101) is opening for enrollment next month! If you want to dive deeper into psychic protection, this program will be the perfect opportunity to learn psychic protection techniques and boundaries. Make sure you’re on my newsletter list to be the first to know when doors open!