
Steady Your Course

Steady Your Course

Are practices like meditation, mindfulness, and yoga meant to make you more happy?

I get asked this question a lot and I recently saw a similar question posted in a Facebook Group.  In some ways the answer is both yes and no.  As we become more self aware and choose our thoughts, we naturally will feel more happy because we are more aligned with what we want.   However, expecting happiness all of the time can undermine the intentionality we have developed in our lives because the unexpected moments of discomfort are inevitable.  

Playing Small

Playing Small

Confession time.  I've been playing small lately.  Falling into this pattern that I do to hold myself from breakthroughs, growth, and new horizons in my life.  I go there because it feels safe.  Like a monastery in a forrest and my meditation practice.  Playing safe feels like a cocoon I could stay in forever.  Or at least that's the story my mind tells me.