

Join Intuition Unlocked today so you can confidently

hear your intuition & stop feeling cornered by your fears.

Have you noticed that you feel a lot?


We’re tuned into people around us.

We find ourselves struggling with hindsight 20/20.

We wish we could just trust our intuitive hunch the first time because after all, it is usually right!

Other times, rather than tuning into ourselves, we find ourselves easily swayed by other people’s opinions.

Sometimes the biggest obstacle is the voice of our own fears, directing us in the wrong direction.

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All of this self-doubt makes it hard to move forward on our path, trust our inner knowing & make important decisions

Intuition is your secret superpower as a sensitive person.

Let’s unlock it!


Receive guidance, insights & support from your soul, spirit guides & ancestors every day

Unlock the mysterious language of Spirit that’s all around you.

Heal the fears blocking your connection with your inner voice

Learn to use ancient and modern practices to open your intuitive channels safely.

How did I get here?

Back when I was in my 20’s, I felt like I had lost myself. Confusion, second guessing myself, and doubt became familiar friends. I began my journey to find answers.

Just when I thought I’d never find my path, I rediscovered my inner GPS and met my spirit guides. Learning to trust my intuition empowered me to gain the courage to change my career, leave a relationship that wasn’t working, and align my life with my inner truth. Reconnecting to my intuition led me back home to myself.



Intuition Unlocked was very informative. I loved that Marci constantly shared her personal wisdom gained through experiences. The course is packed with powerful tools, examples, practices, and reading materials - it is designed for all levels. I highly recommend it!

— Carolyn L.

What you’ll learn in the program

LESSON 1: Heart VS Mind

- What is intuition & why it’s hard to hear.

- Qualities for intuition development.

- The heart chakra’s role in intuition.

- A meditation to open your heart channel.

- And a ritual to release your fears.


LESSON 2: Psychic Protection

- Grounding and how it keeps us safe.

- Clairvoyance and the third eye.

- Psychic clearing.

- A daily ritual for psychic protection.

- Automatic writing and intuitive messages.


LESSON 3: Decoding Feelings

- Are you an empath?

- Clairempathy and clairsentience.

- Sacral chakra clearing meditation.

- What are fortifying boundaries?

- Energy hygiene practices.


LESSON 4: Spirit Guides

- Journey to meet a spirit guide.

- Tips for discerning who to connect with.

- Clairaudience, clairscent, and clairgustance.

- Inner child healing.

- Restoring your sensitive energy meditation.


LESSON 5: Your Spirit Language

- A daily check-in ritual.

- The role of past lives and ancestors.

- Claircognizant.

- Building a sustainable intuitive practice.

- Discover your main spirit language.



- Designed to support you to soak in what you’ve learned, catch up on what you’ve missed, and create space for the next lesson.


Here’s what you’ll get

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Featuring a unique methodology combining meditations, journaling exercises, observation practices, breathing techniques, and energy work.




Once you unlock the language of spirits, you realize you are, you always were…supported on your path. While you may have missed it before, in this program you discover how to see, feel, and hear intuitive support each step of the way.

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Discover deeper intuitive insights about your unique purpose and path. Foster a strong direct connection between you and your guides.




Emotional healing and intuitive development go hand-in-hand. Mindfully peel back the layers blocking the cosmic telephone line to create a clear channel of guidance.

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If you are looking to feel more confident in your decision making and being in alignment with your truest, highest self, I definitely recommend taking this course! You will learn exercises to dig deep within and get to know your inner child and your heart and soul’s deepest desires.

— Kelly Newcome


Intuition Unlocked

Regular Price = $497

Today’s Price = $447.30


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“I am so grateful for this course and for Marci leading us through something so rich, empowering, and authentic. Marci’s authenticity, experience, and spirit provided me the space to trust and dive into intuition work. Her wealth of knowledge, encouragement, guidance, care and support made the materials digestible and fun.”

— CT


Hi! I’m Marci!

I’m an intuitive coach, healer, writer, spiritual mentor and teacher, and modern animist mystic.

I'm passionate about helping you reconnect to and trust your intuitive nature.   I want you to reclaim the guiding messages and healing available from your soul’s voice, spirit guides, and ancestors.

I teach a practical, grounded approach to intuition. In my programs you come out confident in the intuitive insights you gain along the way. I created this intuition program to empower sensitive people to sort through the noise clouding their inner clarity and own their intuitive superpowers.


Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean when you use the word psychic or intuitive?

Well, I'll cover this in more depth in the program. So we're on the page for now...I use the words psychic and intuitive interchangeably because most people these days are used to the word intuitive and conceive of “psychic” in a narrow way. In many ways, I think of intuitive as an inherent ability and psychic as a well practiced use of intuition. Being psychic means experiencing the five senses in an unexplainable heightened way. People who identify as empaths or highly sensitive may experience psychic abilities without the understanding to connect their sensitivity to extrasensory perception. In other words, being surprisingly psychic means experiencing life with the volume dial set to 100 and no owner’s manual in sight. I hope this program will be the start of an owner's manual for you :)

I’ve never worked with my intuition or psychic abilities, is this program right for me?

Yes! This program is oriented towards providing foundational knowledge, skills, and practices for all levels. I teach at a beginners level and include more intermediate information to provide depth.

I've been working with my intuition for some time, is this program for me?

I always believe in a return to foundations over and over again can be extremely helpful and reveal new information each time. I personally return to revisit foundational practices myself every single year. The great Zen master Shunryū Suzuki taught that a zen mind, a mind imbued with full awareness, was a beginners mind. For when we approach new endeavors as beginners, we allow ourselves to be open, receptive, and curious. Regardless of where you are on your path to developing intuition, if you bring this attitude to the program, you'll get some beautiful insight.

I love the idea of the program but money is tight right now and I don't know if it's wise for me to spend money on a class about intuition. What should I do?

I'm sorry money is tight right now. I don't know how it is for you right now, but I only encourage people to invest in this program if they feel aligned and able to invest the resources (money, time, and energy). I've tried to make this program more accesible by including a 3 payment plan option. Those who do the work in the program can create an exponential return on their investment.

I'm not sure the program is for me but I want to try it. Is there a refund policy?

I do not offer refunds of any monies paid. If you don't trust me as a teacher or trust yourself to learn from me yet, I encourage you to enjoy some of my free teachings. The best way to do this is to check out my podcast Tune In with Marci available on all platforms. You can find it here: Or check out my blogs on You especially might want to check out: See if your trust grows. Only sign up for Intuition Unlocked if you are fully committed to doing the work of the program, and you trust me to teach you this material. I want participants in this program who are totally invested and ready for their profound intuitive development. Note: access to program materials ends after 12 months from time of purchase.

Could you tell me about the logistical details of the program?

The program includes five foundational self-paced lessons. Each week you'll receive an e-mail letting you know the next lesson has been opened. At two important points in the program, I include an integration week. This week is specifically designed to support you to do some reflection on what you've practiced and learned as well as an opportunity to catch up on content. Once enrolled, you have access to program materials for 12 months.

I want to do this program but I'm very busy. How much time does it take?

There’s no shortcut to intuition development. Developing your intuition and psychic abilities takes daily practice. Roughly the time investment you can expect in Intuition Unlocked involves: Every week (except integration weeks): 30-45 minutes going through the lesson materials. Every day: About 20-30 minutes invested in daily practices provided in the program. You can always do more or less. However, 20 minutes of daily practice is my recommendation. That’s a doable amount of time to transform your relationship with your intuitive abilities.

What’s the backstory of Intuition Unlocked?

The Story Behind Intuition Unlocked

The Birth of a Skeptic

Over time I learned that I experience life in mysterious and magical ways. My ability to nonverbally communicate with animals, to feel other people’s feelings, to see what was unseen, and to know about my great grandmother’s death before it happened were gifts that I learned to turn off out of fear at a young age or brush aside. Later as if I completely forgot my early experiences, I became a confident skeptic.

When I thought of the word psychic, I imagined a saintlike person with exceptionally rare gifts, or a scam artist with a 1-800 number, a crystal ball, mental slides of hand, and smoke machines.

So I was surprised when a close friend with psychic abilities told me I was psychic too. I had no clue or rather...I had forgotten.

A Touch Into Remembering

During my first module of Reiki training with a dear friend, as I practiced on her at the completion of class and shared what came through she sat staring at me stunned. I wasn’t JUST practicing Reiki. I was psychically reading her system and I had no idea how I was able to know what I knew!

As my teachers, mentors, healers, friends, and later clients each concluded I was psychic, I felt terrified. Would I be viewed as a tin hat wearing woman with a neon sign that you avoid on the street corner?

Still nervous about how I would be judged, I marketed my work as "life coaching" to make it palatable to the masses. When clients came to do work with me, they were blown away by how much more they were getting. I was not JUST life coaching. I was using my psychic and intuitive abilities to heal them from past lives to present.

At first I only opened these gifts to the clients I felt I had built enough trust with. Over time I started incorporating intuitive/psychic abilities into most of my work. Eventually I could no longer hide from being psychic because the clients I worked with using my integrated methodology and framework were getting wayyyy better results than those I played it safe with.

Over time I learned to trust my abilities. I trust myself. And you can too!

Reclaiming the Word Psychic

I now identify as being psychic and spoiler alert: I don’t wear tin hats. I’m here to reclaim the word psychic for myself, for my peers, for my clients, for the world. Because being psychic can be as normal as breathing if we return to ways of being, practices, and skills we’ve long forgotten. And if we drop the stigma we’ve created around anything that doesn’t fit with our overly rationalized brain.

To support more people to experience and claim psychic (a well practiced intuitive connection), I created Intuition Unlocked.

Here are some more of my favorite quotes from my students…

The fact that is online does not take away from the course at all. I was actually a bit afraid of that. Since taking Intuition Unlocked, I recognize that I HAVE intuition! And that it is a powerful guide that I can access when I need. Also, being appreciative of my intuition and sensitivity, rather than being annoyed about or burdened by it - seeing it as a superpower. If you’re thinking of joining the program, do it! You’ll discover things you had never thought about - or things you maybe had a feeling about but could never put into concrete terms. The class has helped me trust myself so much more.
— Tasnuva
I’ve been moving though a lots of fears thanks to the practices and support of this course, which has led to a more steady loving connection to my inner voice and my ability to connect to Spirit. I feel more confident and I feel like going through this process in a safe container is a crucial step to deeper healing and self trust. My intuitive voice is more ease-fully accessed and I’m charged to continue to connect within. This course gave me something to look forward to and held me accountable for showing up for myself and connecting inward. I’ve had a meditation practice for years and I’ve spent a lot of time with myself although something has always been missing. Looking forward to continue evolving and deepening connection with my inner voice, my intuition.
— Emma M.
I feel more centered and steady since taking Intuition Unlocked. I don’t feel all these consuming future-oriented fears gripping at me about the “right” way to do something or what I will miss out on. I feel like I have been deliberate about listening to myself, even when it feels tough to. I didn’t understand the meaning of the word “surrender” for a long time, in part because I did not let myself loosen the reins enough to yield “control” from a wounded place in my heart. Now, I feel more present and accountable to what I need, and am practicing listening more and more to my intuition and my heart. If you take Intuition Unlocked, you are in for a journey - within and without. Every step is worth it, especially if you put in the work.
— Lauren
When I found Intuition Unlocked, I was beginning to play with my intuitive powers. In the course, I met one of my guides who had been trying to get in touch with me for a while! Since the course, I have begun to trust my intuition much more, and know that even if I can’t explain why I know something, it’s okay to trust that knowledge.

Marci is so good at distilling her experience and years of practice into a form that she can share with others. It is a pleasure to learn from her and hear small snippets of her journey. I would describe the experience more as an uncovering than a learning. While some of the concepts and most of the practices were new to me, the act of tapping into my intuition felt warm and familiar.

If you have any inkling that you want to take this course, it’s a good idea to listen to that. Some part of you knows that you’re ready, and you want to explore and develop your intuition. So trust that, and don’t look back!
— Julia C.
I am intuitive but needed more guidance and information to help me strengthen the connection to my intuition and be more present in my body and the moment. In Intuition Unlocked, I found new tools for connection and some of the practices really helped me develop my intuition and clear my energy. Marci is a wonderful instructor and all of her materials are super helpful. Anyone can see how much care she takes in preparing and delivering the course. If you’re thinking of joining Intuition Unlocked, go for it!
— Nia
Since taking Intuition Unlocked I am able to recognize how I handle being overcome with emotion and how I can at times be overcome with other people’s energy. I’ve learned to name this pattern and get ahead of it before I get overwhelmed. I love how open, honest, and vulnerable Marci is. She makes you feel safe and provides an environment where trust and vulnerability can thrive. This course taught me how critical it is for me to stay in tune with my own body/intuitive knowings to truly learn who you are on a deep level which allows you to connect with your own intuition.
— Kerri M.
Marci is an expert. She is warm and grounding. It’s hard to know who to trust when it comes to energy work, but I feel totally comfortable and trusting of Marci. It helps that she is transparent about her approaches and her personal journey, and will speak to you in plain English about them. She happily answers the most basic and obscure questions, and doesn’t mislead you into thinking she knows/can know more than she does.
— RS
Intuition Unlocked will continually open you up to new pieces of yourself that have been hidden by society. Marci will gently nudge your soul out in a more public way, offering love and support throughout! As a result of the course, I now dedicate an elongated amount of time to myself each day! I do the practices that most resonate with my body on that particular day, rather than doing a strict spiritual practice that is more out of guilt than because I truly feel connected to it!
— Emily G.
It has been soulful relief to work with Marci. I’ve always had powerful intuition, but growing up in a culture of shame, guilt and repression conditioned me to deny my true self and distrust my power.

Marci was the compassionate guide I needed to become more familiar and comfortable in my darkness so I could begin to call upon my light and purpose. She is incredibly wise, experienced and accepting. Marci has a compassionate way of connecting to her clients and holding space for your journey.

Her spiritual tools are so comprehensive and and she helped me integrate practices in a sustainable way so I could begin to heal past wounds, ancestral trama and connect to my internal soul compass. I have a much stronger sense of self, connection to spirit and confidence in my power to interpret and embrace my higher purpose as it is revealed to me.
— Leslie M.


Regular Price = $497

Today’s Price = $447.30
