Relationship-building with Intuition

Intuition is relationship-based.

When we develop our intuition, we ultimately build a relationship with our deepest self, our ancestors, guiding spirits, and the wider sentient world around us. Because intuition is inherently relationship-based, we need to approach our practice and our intention with this understanding.  

Want to develop your intuition?  My foundational course on practical intuition development is open for enrollment through Friday, April 17th.  Learn more and sign up HERE

Since developing our intuition is essentially relationship building, this asks us to acknowledge that:

  • Intuition doesn’t pick up the cosmic phone right away just because you decide to call.

  • Intuition requires unique skills, competencies, and practices for success just like a healthy relationships romantic, family or friendship.

  • Intuition often reflects our relationship with our very own selves.

  • Intuition requires a healthy level of vulnerability and honesty.

  • How we show up to our intuition often mirrors how we show up to outer relationships.  

I didn’t recognize this distinction when I first started connecting to my intuition.  I was pretty hot and cold. Some days when I was stressed, I rattled on the door of my intuition demanding answers.  Other times when life seemed good I went days on end without connecting or noticing it was there. I also doubted everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. I questioned my truth over and over again, and my guides worked overtime to provide confirmation of the message they were seeking to communicate. 

When I look back at the beginning of my journey, I laugh at how I seemed to be knocking around in my life grasping for intuition and other times running away screaming in fear. Eventually I learned how to consistently show up and develop a steady healthy connection. As I learned how to consistently show up to my intuition, I ultimately learned how to consistently show up for myself. 

As my relationship with my guides and inner voice healed, I healed my relationship with all of the parts of myself. 

During my work, I’ve learned that sensitives, often empaths, have a unique way of diving head first into relationships and this includes their relationship with their intuition.  Their “feel all the things” nature can lead to blurry lines between them and the person they date, between their inner truth and their inner critic, the perception that big feelings in love equals soul mate, or big psychic experience equals true connection.  This “head over heels” approach can feel great at first, and have problematic results in romance and intuition alike.  

When we are not mindful and push ahead too far too fast, we unintentionally create challenges like:

  • Confusing/mixed signals and miscommunications.

  • The push/pull.  One person pushes ahead while one pulls aways or shuts down.  No one likes to feel like someone is constantly rattling on their door for attention and answers.

  • The illusion of intimacy because of compressed time/and intense connection experiences.

  • The perception of rapid trust when real trust is build over time.

And that’s why the advice I give to sensitive people exploring romantic love and developing their intuition is the same:  Be patient and SLOW DOWN.

Patience and slowing down empowers us to be in touch with: 

  • What is true and what is fantasy.  

  • What is reaction and what is a need.

  • What is our inner voice or spirit guidance and what is NOT.  

On this week’s episode of Tune In with Marci, I explored the power of patience and slowing down to develop our intuition.  I shared some of my favorite tips for cultivating these powerful qualities. Listen to the latest episode HERE or wherever you get your podcasts. 

And if you’re ready to develop a steady healthy relationship with your intuition, I’d love for you to join me for my life changing course on practical intuition development:  Intuition 101. Enrollment closes Friday, April 17th. You can learn more and sign up HERE. 

In the meantime, consider how do you show up in your relationship with yourself?  With others? These patterns can give you hints at how you show up to your relationship with your intuition.

much love,
