Dreams as messengers

When we’re open to dreams, we receive guidance.  Our ancestors, guides, and our soul can bring through important messages.

Last fall I woke up from a dream that took my breath away.  Laying there stunned by the overwhelming feeling of love I felt, I knew I had to tell my husband about the dream right away.

This wasn’t just any dream.  It was what we might call a “big dream.”  One of those dreams that will stay with you for a lifetime.  

With tears in my eyes I said, “I had the strangest, most beautiful dream last night…I think I want to become a mother.”  He looked at me with tears in his eyes as I described the dream in detail.  We hugged each other tightly and exhaled a breath both of us didn’t know we’d been holding for a long time.  

Here’s what happened in the dream:

I open the door to a hallway.  There are my ancestors and guides, glowing in golden light smiling in pride and joy to see me.  One of them invites me to look down and in front of me is a bassinet with an infant.  Instinctively I immediately know this is my child and pick them up.  

The child is also surrounded by golden light and the moment I hold them I feel the most peace I’ve ever felt in my life. Life feels like it is standing still. And I am moved by the presence this infant emanates from their soul.  The utter peace, love, and steadiness.  Like an ancient tree.  Imagine holding the essence of the wisest oldest tree, in your arms.  

As I’m mesmerized by this experience, I hear myself think “if I knew it would be this easy, I would have done this a long time ago.”  

Then a door across the hallway opens and it’s my husband.  The ancestors and guides greet him without words and we lock eyes.  And without a word I tell him that this is our child.  His face lights up and he joins us.  

For the rest of the dream we stay cradled in layers of love together.  Us holding our child.  Our child’s essence holding us.  And the ancestors and guides holding our space.  The entire room is full of glowing light and when I wake up I find tears of joy streaming down my face.

This dream stunned me for many reasons.

I was not thinking about having children or starting a family.  In fact, I made my mind up some time ago that I loved children, but did not want to parent them.  Instead, I wanted to be the cool, fun aunt.  I’d often jokingly ask my friends, can I skip parenting and become a grandparent? 

I was also surprised by the truth I felt in the dream.  It felt like a whole body vibration of truth.  Have you ever had truth tears?  Or truth goosebumps?  A time where you felt truth so deeply it poured out through your body?  That’s how I felt when I woke up from this dream.  

I wondered, did I really want to become a mother?  And why did it suddenly feel like an instantaneous yes after decades of a no?

I knew the answer, but I was still a bit scared to admit it.  

Dreams guided me to embrace parenthood.  A desire I believe was so locked up inside my heart that I couldn’t access it for decades.  

Pain from my past trauma and wounding walled me off from parenting.  After everything I’d been through, the last thing I wanted to feel was vulnerable.  

But now things are different. 

After years of deep healing, I finally felt safe enough to acknowledge this hidden desire.

This week on Tune In with Marci, I’m kicking off a powerful series about the magic of dreams.

In this episode I share:

  • A personal story about how dreams gave me the courage to make a  major life decision.

  • Examples of how dreams guide us.

  • Why don’t we heed the guidance we receive in dreams?

  • And three simple ways you can nourish your dream life.

Now tell me, have you ever had a life changing dream? Or a dream that sticks with you until this day? I’d love to hear about it! Comment below and let me know.

much love,


PS. Did you know there is a new moon solar eclipse tomorrow June 10th?  I’m leading a live event to kick off this moon cycle with intention.  You’re invited to join me and other sensitives to tap into our inner guidance.  Save your spot HERE.