Why we need nature's restoring connection

This is why we need nature’s restoring connection right now...

Intuition is the gateway to return to our connection with nature. And our connection with nature empowers us to embody our wholeness. But in a modern world where individualism reigns, often we cut ourselves off from the inherent wholeness in life.

I’ve always felt deeply connected to nature. Nature is my sanctuary and has been more of a spiritual home than any of the spiritual homes I used to regularly attend like churches and mosques. As a kid, I retreated to nature for healing, solitude, comfort, and to know I belonged. I spent time in nature exploring my imagination and connecting with magic and wonder. I developed deep relationships with the trees, animals, and wildlife around my home. 

I’ll never forget the large evergreen perched in the front of my first home growing up. I’d climb inside that tree and sit on her branches for what seemed like hours. Reveling in her sappy smell and the way she created a cocoon that I could enjoy time to myself. Her branches like the best mothering hug, comforted my tears and witnessed the echos of my laughter. 

Most sensitives I know had a profound connection with nature as a kid that grew distant in adulthood. Busy and preoccupied with "adulting" like working, paying bills, and tending to the chores our relationship with the greater web of life changes. 

Returning to our original connection with nature like a child is healing. 

Intuition is the gateway to return back into connection with nature like our ancestors and the children we once were. Reconnecting to our intuition opens us up to being in communication with animals, trees, plants, stones, land, mountains, rivers, and the wider plane of existence around us. 

Life is communicating with us every day. It’s just that we’re SOOOOO stuck in our individualism, fears, AND rational/analytical mind (which is only one part of ourselves), that we are unable to hear this communication. In other words, because

when we do not embody our wholeness, we cut ourselves off from the inherent wholeness inherent in life. 

And part of this wholeness is intentionally participating in the wholeness of life. As stewards of land and as receivers of the healing of land. 

My favorite way to start repairing our connection with nature is through a special gratitude practice. After tuning into myself in meditation, I love to take time to reflect on the many inherent layers of life supporting me just for existing. Like the way the sun always rises every morning, brings light to my day, and literally feeds my body through the plants that become my food and medicine. Or the way that the moon brings light even in the dark with her blue glow on nighttime walks and inspires me to go inward and connect with my own personal cycles. Or the way the Earth gives me a place to call home and continues to nourish plants and animals that grant me with oxygen, beauty, clothing, medicine, and food. 

There are SOOOO many layers of support in our life. But we miss them all the time. 

This week on Tune In with Marci, I’m exploring one practice we all need right now to restore our connection to our wholeness. I discuss:

  • Why we lose our connection with nature as we become adults.

  • The power of gratitude, let’s talk science!

  • How our modern focus on individualism is cutting us off from inherent support.

  • Why intuition is the gateway to replugging into life.

  • And one practice to repair our relationship with the wider web of life on Earth.

I've included a guided gratitude practice in this week’s newsletter. If you want it in your inbox, join my newsletter HERE and then click reply to the email and I’ll send it to you! It's a potent meditation from my upcoming 12 month apprenticeship program. Doors opening soon in the weeks ahead. 

Now tell me in the comments below, how has your relationship with nature changed as an adult?

much love,
