The practice of sacred remembering

Do you have a practice to remember who you are? 

When we don’t have a practice of remembering, it’s easy to forget. And get lost in our own unhelpful stories and patterns.

Recently I spoke about my first ceremonial experience with the sacred fungi psilocybin. A consciousness I sense is here to help humans remember.  

I’ve been thinking a lot about the sacred act of remembering. I mentioned a difficult experience I had with a loved one during a recent conversation with a mentor. It felt as if this person had amnesia.  Reverting to an old way of being that I thought they’d shed. And causing a lot of harm along the way. In fact amnesia was the right word. They don’t have a practice of remembering. And our culture supports us to forget more than remember.  

What do I mean by sacred remembering?

The sacred fungi help me remember who I am, where I come from, and why I’m here. They remind me how to be of service and my sacred role here on Earth. They connect me to the animate Earth I belong to.  To the spirit world that exists parallel to our human material existence. They remind me of the sacredness of life and the gift of my own.  They create a countertide in a modern life that’s all about forgetting.

When I work with the sacred mushrooms in ceremony I participate in a process to remember to remember.  To bring myself back. And when I integrate what they’ve taught me I develop a long-term practice of sacred remembering.  

I’ve had many practices over the years to help me remember. Yoga, meditation, and prayer served as foundational ways to remember.  Intentionally working with my dreams and journey practices helps me remember.  

Working with the sacred mushrooms took this remembering deeper for me.  Weaving my disparate spiritual experiences into an embodied wholeness.  This embodied experience leaves me feeling more deeply connected to the divine. and the meaning of life than any other spiritual encounters prior.

The fungi spirits remind me regularly that we suffer when we forget. This is partly our individual and partly a greater collective responsibility.  Because we have a broken culture. Which is not designed to help us remember our true nature and the essence of reality. Love. Instead, in many ways our culture helps us forget. And rewards unhealthy behaviors and egocentric patterns. 

Wounding is bound to repeat itself in a culture set on forgetting more than remembering. And set on ignoring their own wounding.

Wounding and trauma is like that. Often destined to repeat until moved out of the collective and personal shadows.  And into the collective and personal awareness and resolution.  

I dream of becoming a culture that remembers.  To center remembering practices in our spiritual practices and celebrations.  And every day routines. Because when we remember we have more compassion for ourselves and others.  We lead from our wisdom not our wounding.  And we marry our spirit and our humanity.  

This week’s episode of Tune In with Marci is about the practice of sacred remembering. 

I explore:

  • What the sacred fungi have taught me about sacred remembering.

  • What becomes possible when we remember our true nature and place in the web of life.

  • The journey to discover our unique sacred roles on Earth.  

  • What is a mythopoetic identity and how do we uncover it?

  • What is psychedelic integration?  And what does integration have to do with spiritual practice?

  • How to root spiritual insights into our everyday experiences.

  • The language of the Soul and how to recognize it.  

  • A visitation from the sacred mushroom amanita muscaria.  And the life changing message she shared with me. 

  • And how to align our spiritual practice to create a more cooperative and compassionate world.

Much love,


PS.  Want to connect with every day plant and fungi spirits around your home? And develop meaningful relationships with them to foster belonging with the animate earth? Then I know you’ll love my Patreon. Learn more HERE.  

PSS. Never miss an episode of Tune In with Marci. Subscribe to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher.

Disclaimer: This blog does not in any way encourage or condone the use, purchase, sale or transfer of any illegal substances, nor does it encourage or condone partaking in any unlawful activities.  If you do end up using psychedelic substances, please do so safely and ideally with the support of an experienced practioner.