Signs your boundaries need a check-in

Did you know that the number one unexpected challenge I find with people struggling to hear and trust their intuition is boundaries?

Now before you decide you don't have any boundary challenges or have no idea how to explore whether you might have them...

here are 10 signs your boundaries need a check-in:

1. You find yourself saying "yes" when you mean "no."
2. You often make decisions and self-doubt always creeps in the back door.
3. You find yourself feeling resentment towards loved ones for how much you give.
4. You "ask for permission" from your partner/spouse to make decisions.
5. You make decisions and then fear people think you're a jerk, bitch, fill in the blank.
6. You often get stuck in in-between mode over choices, unable to make decisions.
7. You know an ex-partner is not a match for you and pick up their call/return their text when they reach out.
8. You pack your schedule to the brim and feel overextended or...
9. You protectively block/wall off ALL of your free-time schedule and never see your friends.
10. You ask for the opinions of others, search the internet, read all the articles when you seek guidance FIRST before going within.

Do any of these ring true for you? If so, your boundaries may want a health check-up.

Most of us struggle with boundaries and there are a lot of reasons why. Society doesn't do a good job of modeling or teaching them. Our caretakers may have not learned healthy boundaries in their household and therefore were unable to impart and model them for us. We may have had our boundaries trampled on before and have built a protective fortress in response. Or we may deeply desire to connect with others and struggle how to balance connection and boundary needs.

I consistently find that people who struggle to hear and/or trust their intuition often have boundary challenges hiding in the background.

Struggles to create healthy boundaries with others and within the different parts of their very own self.

Tomorrow, August 21st, I'm answering the very important question: “How do I set healthy boundaries without being a jerk?” in my next session of the Summer Intuition Series.

Soooooo many of us are petrified of loosing our compassionate nature when we try to create and re-negotiate healthy boundaries. I'm passionate about empowering you to honor both your core values AND your core needs. This 75 minute live online session will include me teaching, guiding you in real-time through practices, and plenty of time for Q&A. I'm confident you'll walk away with a clearer picture about your current relationship with boundaries and how you can start shifting that while still being a compassionate person.

If you're ready to sign up, click HERE.

Remember, if you can't make the session live, no problem! I send out a recording after each workshop is done for those who have purchased their spot. I just recommend making the live session so you can get your questions answered in real-time!

Last week's session was a great success and I received amazing feedback on it so I don't want you to miss this one! If you missed last session exploring how we tell the difference between fear and intuition, you can purchase the workshop HERE!

In the meantime, I invite you to reflect on the 10 signs I listed above in a meditation, in your journal, or with a friend/loved one. Shifting our relationship with boundaries can be one of the most important steps we can take towards honoring our authentic selves.

If you want to learn more about my Summer Intuition Series, you can learn more HERE.

much love,


PS: Intuition 101, my life changing course on practical intuition development will be opening for registration in the next few weeks. This course gets amazing results and is a journey designed to decode your unique intuitive language and trust your intuition. Make sure to know when registration opens by learning more HERE.