Do you answer when dreams call?

Dreams bring us invitations, but so often we miss them.  Ignoring repeat images, themes, or scenarios along the way.  Or blocking them with our own personal preferences.  

For years I dreamed of mountains. Dreams of:

  • Driving into the mountains.  

  • Looking up at the mountains.  

  • Spending time with mountains.  

In other words, mountains were calling me. 

I knew I was meant to move. But I had one big problem. I didn’t know which mountains were calling or where.

I often asked for signs and answers. And every time I thought I knew the “where” things fell apart. Or unexpected obstacles came in my way. This frustrated me and it went on for years.

Dead ends each time led me to surrender and let go. And when I surrendered, the mountain dreams would come back.  I found this both comforting and confusing. 

WHICH mountains are calling me?

I was convinced the “where” was out West. I decided it must be California. But a series of dreams surprised me. Their message? Don’t move to California

Life had a different plan. And different than the plan in my own mind.  

When this gap between what we want and where we’re invited appears, Life has a way better. And glimpses of that plan show through in our dreams.   

On this week's episode of Tune In with Marci I explore what it means when dreams call us to act. 

I share:

  • A powerful personal story about how dream invitations led me to move. 

  • Five common dream invitations we often miss. 

  • How our mind's preferences can confuse dream messages. 

  • And the connection between stressful dreams and invitations to heal.

Want to catch invitations in your dreams and act on them? Join my dream interpretation course Dreams Unlocked HERE.  

Much love,


PS.  Want to unlock hidden meaning in your dreams?  I have two opportunities for you: 

My live dream event Nighttime Power happening 10/13.  You can sign up for free to join HERE.

And my dream course Dreams Unlocked where I teach you a method to decode meanings in your dreams.  Enrollment is open now and you can sign up HERE.