
When the past visits in dreams

When the past visits in dreams

It’s common for our past to show up in our dreams. But many of us feel confused when it does.

Brushing these dreams off as unimportant and irrelevant. And pushing them aside when we cannot find a purpose for the past showing up in the present.

But this is a mistake. Because there are reasons the past haunts our dreams. What are they?

Do we have to act on dream messages?

Do we have to act on dream messages?

Podcast listener Emily’s recently deceased grandmother was repeatedly visiting her dreams. Showing up every single night leading up to Halloween. And then one dream stuck with Emily.

An ethereal feeling dream left her waking up with a sense of urgency to figure something out… But what? She felt irritated.

Can dreamwork heal trauma?

Can dreamwork heal trauma?

Life as I know it came crashing down one Fall day.

I was attending a sound bath. Something I had done many times before. But this sound bath was unlike any other. Because it opened me to remembering my childhood sexual abuse for the first time.

Once opened, memories continued to emerge for weeks. And nightmares became a regular occurrence.

Take the plunge

Take the plunge

Our inner wisdom peaks through in vivid dreams to guide our way. The question is, will we have the courage to take the plunge in faith to follow?

Podcast listener Kelly had a transcendent feeling dream that left her with many questions.

“My dream takes place on a ship. And it is nighttime and pretty dark… I’m watching over the scene more than actively participating in it...” what happens next captured her attention.

One character takes out their anger on another woman in the dream on a plank. In avoiding the anger thrown literally by an ax, the woman on the plank dives off the side of the ship.

Where do dreams come from?

Where do dreams come from?

Dreams are far more magical than we give them credit for. Multifaceted reflections of both the human and spiritual experiences.

If I were to sit down with you right now how would you answer the following question: where do dreams come from?

Would you have an answer or be stumped? Would you tell me that dreams are your brain firing randomly? Or would you tell me that your soul leaves your body to travel to different realms?

This topic is often contested by many. My experience is that people tend to fall into almost dogmatic camps. Digging their heels in the ground and adamant that dreams can only be one thing.

The season for dreaming

The season for dreaming

Fall is a great time to focus on dream work.

It’s a seasonal time when:

  • The veils between the worlds start to thin as winter draws nearer.

  • Daylight shortens and nighttime lengthens.

  • And the botanical world around us begins to turn energy and focus inward.

So it’s no surprise that so many people I’ve spoken to in the last two weeks are having more dreams. And vivid ones. It’s literally the season for dreaming.

Decoding dream symbols

Decoding dream symbols

The next time you have a dream with a snake in it...don't google the meaning. Google yourself.⁠

When I first started exploring my dreams, internet searching was my go-to for meanings. The problem was, the meaning didn't always fit. ⁠

For example, I’d dream about an animal. But when I searched for the meaning online I’d find patchy results. In rare cases, a website's musing on the animal felt spot on. But more often than not, I sat there scratching my head wondering...am I missing something?