Processing collective grief

If you’re anything like me, you’re feeling collective grief rising up in your being right now.  

Perhaps you're feeling hopeless.  Or sensing some waves of despair.  

Recent worldwide events and the ongoing pandemic are tough to take in. These feelings are natural and a sign that you’re paying attention.

And yet, if ignored or left to simmer without anywhere to go in our body, we miss the treasures they bring.  To wake us up and widen our hearts.  

One of my favorite ways to work with collective grief is to call in the other-than-human world.  They can help me hold the grief. 

So that I may allow my heart to mindfully crack open without burning out my nervous system.  

If this idea resonates with you, I shared a practice to process collective grief with the sacred earth in my Patreon.  I made the post publicly visible so anyone may access it.

Process collective grief with the earth HERE.

In love and solidarity,


How is collective grief bubbling up for you right now? Tell me in the comments below.