A plant spirit for sensitives…

Yarrow is a beloved plant wherever it grows and for good reason.   

This plant has a long history of important medicinal and magical use. But what you may not know is that yarrow has a special affinity for sensitives and empaths. And is an important ally for people with a history of trauma.    

The Flower Essence Society, an organization that fosters research on the vibrational medicines of flowers, identifies yarrow as a remedy for people who are delicate and susceptible to their environment. Aka highly sensitive people and empaths.  

Why is this the case?

Yarrow is a master at cultivating healthy boundaries and protection.  

Two sides of the same coin. And an area that’s often challenging for sensitives and trauma survivors alike.  

This plant spirit is gifted at helping people patch up a porous energetic aura. 

And in turn guiding willing students to find the areas in their life where this harmful porous nature is mirrored in unhealthy boundaries in their relationships with themselves and others.  

Some examples of this porous nature include:

  • An over orientation towards others at the expense of our own needs. People pleasing and doom scrolling are examples of this.

  • People who struggle to express or stand behind their “no’s.” And are naturally inclined towards being energetically open and intuitive to their detriment.  Think childlike innocence without the guidance of our wisdom and discernment.  

  • Codependency.  A dynamic defined by psychologist Joaquin Selva as “people who feel extreme amounts of dependence on certain loved ones in their lives, and who feel responsible for the feelings and actions of those loved ones.”

  • Unaddressed chronic stress that leads to overwhelm and/or burn out.  

  • And a history of trauma related to boundary violations.

On this week’s podcast of Tune In with Marci, I dive deep into the plant spirit yarrow. 

I explore:  

  • What the medicinal uses of yarrow teach us about the plant’s personality.

  • Yarrow’s affinity for psychic protection, highly sensitive people, and empaths.

  • Folklore around yarrow’s abilities to support protection, opening the second sight and divination, and dreams.

  • And why I believe yarrow is an essential ally for anyone with a history of trauma.

Want to learn from the wisdom of plant spirits?  Join my plant spirit Patreon. Each month I share exclusive podcast episodes, plant spirit practices, and teach live online classes. Learn more and sign up HERE.  

Much love,


PS.  Did you love this blog post and episode? If so, I know you’ll love THIS post and episode about plant spirit frequencies.  

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