Bridging the human and spirit worlds

Bridgekeeper. This is a title I heard given to me from the Spirit world many years ago on retreat. It’s a word that keeps returning time and time again. During meditations. During dreams. Synchronicities. And during sacred reflection time.

As I’ve turned this word over in my mind, heart, and soul, I’ve come to know that part of my sacred work in the world centers on bridge keeping. Which of course makes me a bridgekeeper.  

What is a bridgekeeper?

A bridgekeeper lives in the inbetween. Walking easefully between the spirit and the material worlds. Between the underworld and upperworld. Between the dream and waking worlds. And between the devastation of trauma (separation) and ecstasy of joy (union).  

As a bridgekeeper I bridge the complexity of life and what it means to be spirit in human form. This work supports people to embody more of their Wholeness. And what I teach is how to bridgewalk.

I do this through several different outlets. For example, how to develop a dream practice and interpret our dreams. Or how to communicate with plant spirits, ancestors, and spirit guides to support our path. But also through trauma resolution work to release the constricting ideas of who we are and who we are becoming.    

Learning how to bridgewalk is essential to our healing, growth, and embodying our unique sacred role on Earth.  

Empowering us to reconnect to important wellsprings of support lost in a modern world.  Like the nourishment of our dreamworld. The loving guidance of the Spirit world. And the deepest yearnings of our Heart.  

We equally need our human selves and spirit essence.  

Our waking action and sleeping dream inspiration.  And our intuition and our intellect. Bridgewalking is having the courage to incorporate these multifaceted aspects of ourselves and life.

Some examples of bridgewalking is having the courage:

  • To take the journey into the unknown.  

  • To say yes to the unfolding messages of Spirit.  

  • To cherish the dreamworld for the medicine it carries for our waking life.  

  • To dive deep into the shadows of our own self to release the burdens and unwrap the gifts.

  • And to bring up pearls of wisdom from the waters of the Soul.   

Over the years I’ve noticed that some plant spirits serve as bridge keepers. Tending the connection between the human and plant spirit world.  

This process by nature is deeply initiatory. Sparking us to shed our limited ideas of who we thought we were to be receptive to who we are in our deepest essence. And crossing important thresholds that support our maturity and evolution. These plant spirits are my greatest elders and teachers. 

Some of these bridge keeping plants might be more obvious to you.  For example, sacred psychedelic plants and fungi like ayahuasca and psilocybin.  While others may be less obvious.  Everyday plants that grow in your garden or on the side of the road.  

These less obvious plants bridgekeep in more subtle everyday ways rather than intense immersive ceremonies. Slowly sparking change over time that only later we can look back and notice just how much we’ve grown.

Both sacred ceremonial and everyday bridge keeping plants have important wisdom to share. And a sacred seat of our inner table to guide our path.

One of those easy to miss spirits is the plant spirit yarrow. A plant with an affinity for ancestors, the dreamworld, second sight, and our energetic aura.  On my latest podcast episode of Tune In with Marci, I shared a bonus Patreon podcast episode all about the plant spirit yarrow. In this episode I reflect on the medicinal, magical, and energetic dimensions of the plant spirit yarrow. 

Much love,


PS. Ready for some support to bridge your human and spirit selves? Your current and future emerging self?  Or to cross an important threshold of change in your life? Let’s chat. I currently have openings in my 1:1 client practice. Learn more HERE.  

PSS. Never miss an episode of Tune In with Marci. Subscribe to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher.