Do we have to act on dream messages?

Podcast listener Emily’s recently deceased grandmother was repeatedly visiting her dreams. Showing up every single night leading up to Halloween. And then one dream stuck with Emily.  

An ethereal feeling dream left her waking up with a sense of urgency to figure something out… But what?  She felt irritated.

Emily reached out to me for a dreamseat. Hoping to explore this dream together for a few important reasons.  

First, she received a direct message from her grandmother. A request about her parents that brought up a lot of mixed feelings.  Especially because she hadn’t seen them in years. How was she to sort through the feelings?  And did she have to honor her grandmother’s request?  

Second, a busload of people from Emily’s past paraded through her dreamspace. These elementary school peers left her perplexed at their presence.  People from our past show up in dreams, but why?  And what did Emily’s elementary school years have to do with the present?

And lastly, her dream was very different from any other dream she had before. It took place in space. What did this otherworldly backdrop have to do with her grandmother? And most of all, a deeper understanding of herself?

When we boiled it down, there was one big question Emily wanted to know. How can she balance honoring the wisdom of her ancestors along with her own inner truth?  

On this week’s episode of Tune in with Marci, I sit down with Emily to unpack her otherworldly dream. 

Together we explore:

  • How to tell if an ancestor is well in spirit when they show up in our dreams.

  • Balancing the advice of wise ancestors and our own inner truths and needs.

  • Why seasons of the past reemerge in our dreams. And the clues our dreams can grant us to heal the present.

  • How meeting a loved one in dreams can soothe the pain of not being with them when they transitioned.

  • The challenges of navigating relationships with parents as adult children.

  • And the journey to embrace our “weirdness” and find “our people.”

Much love,


PS. This month we’re focused on partnering with plant spirits to support our dreamwork. If you join my Patreon this month at the dreamer and above level you can receive access to:  

  • A bonus podcast episode on bringing requests to plant spirits in dreams for support.  I share different intentions for working with plant spirits in dreams.  And an initial request you can bring to a plant ally to receive guidance through your dreams.

  • A mugwort dream incubation practice.  Partner with a dreamwork plant spirit to receive an answer to an important personal question.  

  • And a bonus podcast episode diving deep into the dream plant spirit mugwort.  I share medicinal, historical, magical, and energetic teachings about the plant.  As well as my favorite ways to work with mugwort.  

Patrons at the explorer and above level receive access to this month's online class. Learn plant spirit dream incubation practices and a dreamwork method to support self-healing.  

If you are a:

  • Sensitive person who feels most connected to your truest self in nature and wants to deepen your connection with your intuition.

  • A plant and nature lover who wants to foster a spiritual connection with the green world.

  • Or a gardener that wants to infuse spirituality into your tending this growing season…

I know you’re going to love this Patreon.