Can dreamwork heal trauma?

Life as I know it came crashing down one Fall day.  

I was attending a sound bath. Something I had done many times before. But this sound bath was unlike any other. Because it opened me to remembering my childhood sexual abuse for the first time.

Once opened, memories continued to emerge for weeks. And nightmares became a regular occurrence.  

My dreams filled with themes of imprisonment, feeling trapped, and struggling to escape. Then evolved from general fear to specific trauma memories. Each new layer of trauma emerged through my dreams and my body first. Later finding their way into my sessions with my long-time trauma therapist.

This process mirrors what research on trauma is discovering. Our deepest wounds live in the body and the unconscious. And I believe our dreams bridge the two.  

Working with my dreams during my trauma healing supported me to:

  • Recognize recurring dream themes and their messages.

  • Notice how therapy sessions impacted my dreamtime and visa versa.  

  • Seek further answers.  

  • Rewrite hopeless moments in a powerful way.  

  • And recover my buried inner truths.  

In other words I learned that intentional dreamwork can be a powerful portal for our healing, liberation, and reclamation of our personal power.  

How did my relationships with my night terrors evolve to help me heal my trauma? Check out my latest article in Authentic Insider Magazine HERE.  

Much love, 


PS. Deep bonds with spiritual powers in my life like plant spirits have been a huge source of comfort and safety in my own healing. On the latest episode of Tune In with Marci, I explore how to cultivate meaningful relationships with green friends.  

PPS. Want to heal through intentional dreamwork with plant spirits?  Join my Patreon!  

Each month I share:  

  • Exclusive bonus podcast episodes.

  • Plant spirit practices, and 

  • Teach live Zoom classes online.   

April focuses on plant spirit dreamwork and dream incubation!  We’ll partner with plant spirits to receive answers to our questions in dreams.