Dreaming with the land

Podcast listener Lauren had a dream that left her awestruck.  

Magical butterfly creatures beckoned her to leave her friends. And head into the forest. As they sprinkled her with magic dust, she felt herself come alive.  Fearing she couldn’t take more of this expansive feeling she ran away. On all fours.  

Who she met surprised her. A powerful old woman who said she had a gift and a potent message:  “open your heart.”  

When Lauren woke up it was as if she could feel the presence of this mythical figure still in the room. She wondered, who was the old woman? And how could she honor such a powerful dream?

Lauren’s dream was full of magic and it’s no surprise this dream found her. Because the wise hag emerged from the sacred land she was visiting. And the messages she had were essential to embodying her personal power.

Land spirits and energies of place can visit us in dreams. Calling us into partnership, guiding our path, or facilitating healing.  

This week on Tune In with Marci, I sat down with podcast listener Lauren to explore a mystical dream that left her awestruck.

Together we explore:

  • What does it mean to dream with the land? 

  • How dreams invite us to step into our power. 

  • Why fear arises as we open our hearts. 

  • The role of mysterious figures and creatures in dreams. 

  • What is a healing dream? 

  • How to answer our inner Wild when they call us in dreams. 

  • And what to do with dreams that leave you awestruck.

Did you know that plant, fungi, and tree spirits are some of the most accessible spirits of the land? They LOVE to visit our dreams to support healing, insight, and growth. I’ve dedicated March and April in my Patreon to exploring plant spirit dreamwork.  

Join the Patreon

Much love,


PS.  Want to know how to listen to the wisdom of plant spirits?  And why did I start working with poisonous plants?  Check out my recent interview on the Earth Keepers Podcast with my dear friend Amy Dempster where I talk about that and so much more HERE.  

PSS.  Never miss an episode of Tune In with Marci. Subscribe to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Stitcher.