
Can dreamwork heal trauma?

Can dreamwork heal trauma?

Life as I know it came crashing down one Fall day.

I was attending a sound bath. Something I had done many times before. But this sound bath was unlike any other. Because it opened me to remembering my childhood sexual abuse for the first time.

Once opened, memories continued to emerge for weeks. And nightmares became a regular occurrence.

Dreaming with the land

Dreaming with the land

Podcast listener Lauren had a dream that left her awestruck.

Magical butterfly creatures beckoned her to leave her friends. And head into the forest. As they sprinkled her with magic dust, she felt herself come alive. Fearing she couldn’t take more of this expansive feeling she ran away. On all fours.

Who she met surprised her. A powerful old woman who said she had a gift and a potent message: “open your heart.”

Can plant spirits visit dreams?

Can plant spirits visit dreams?

Plant spirits can visit our dreams. And they often have messages for us.

Yet so many of us miss these messages and visitations. And the plant spirit's deep call to develop a meaningful relationship.

Dreams are one of the most powerful portals for clarity and healing. One of those purposes of dreams is to receive messages.

How Play Heals Us

 How Play Heals Us

Play and mindful awareness while outdoors is a magical way to support ourselves on a rough day.

Recently while hiking in the woods with my husband I suggested we play a game. I’d had a rough day, feeling pretty exhausted and down after weeks of big health challenges. You know those times where you feel like you cannot win in life? It was one of those.

Can plants extend our nervous system?

Can plants extend our nervous system?

Plants can support you to extend your nervous system when times are tough. Creating a bigger container for tough emotions and soothing frayed nerves.

When I first started doing inner child work many years ago I instinctually started a nightly ritual. Each night before sleep I’d drink a cup of chamomile tea. The warmth felt soothing. I found the herb helped me wind down for sleep.

Over time, my nightly cups of chamomile inspired me to bring the plant into other parts of my day. Chamomile became my go to tea before I taught a group class. What I sipped as preparation for a difficult conversation with someone. And the favorite beverage I reached for on a tough day.

Reclaiming our relationship with plant spirits

Reclaiming our relationship with plant spirits

Our ancestors knew how to relate to the spirits of plants. We can too.

As I continue to learn about the lost ancestral folkways of my European ancestors, it’s clear my ancestors viewed the plants as spirits. This isn’t a unique idea. In fact, this concept shows up in most folk plant healing traditions in cultures throughout the world. Each having unique relationships growing out of the landscape where people live.

Children know this too. Many instinctually speak to plants. Automatically drawn to the beauty and wonder of flowers.