Grounding, safety, & resilience

If I were to sit down and have tea with you I’d ask you, “how are you doing?” And “how are you holding up?”

The pandemic continues to roar on and I’ve realized: 

Our nerves are frayed even if we think they are not. ⁠

Our bodies are tired even if we think they are not. ⁠

Our emotional load is immense even if we're doing great inner work. ⁠

And they were back at the beginning of 2021.  So imagine now, eight more months in?!

One of my favorite practices to do with my sensitive clients during a tough time like this is to create a safety list. It’s a list of resources you have to support your nervous system to feel more safe. 

For example:

  • A warm epsom salt bath to relax your muscles.  

  • A cozy blanket to wrap yourself in and fuzzy socks. 

  • A relaxing cup of chamomile tea to calm your nerves.  

  • A long hug from a loved one you live with. 

  • A meditation to the sounds of the ocean.  

  • A favorite painting on the wall that reminds you of a cherished vacation.

  • A photo of your grandmother who always served as a source of comfort and ease.

  • A favorite family recipe that connects you to your roots and ancestors.

  • A house plant that sits on your desk and brightens your day.

  • An essential oil that makes you feel at home.  

This list can be informed by your senses by asking what sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and sense of touch fosters a sense of safety, comfort, grounding, and ease in my body that are with me RIGHT NOW?

Look around your space.  What would be on your safety list right now?

This week on Tune In with Marci, I revisit practices to support grounding and safety for a clear connection with our intuition. 

I share:

  • A channeled message from her guides about how to create safety in uncertain times. 

  • What makes 2021 different from all other years. 

  • The one thing all sensitives need in 2021. 

  • What happens when we try to hear our intuition under stress. 

  • And more on how to foster a sense of grounding and safety.

Much love,


PS.  Did you catch my giveaway?  You could win one of three awesome prizes by filling out a five minute survey HERE!