Healing from perfectionism

I’ve been thinking a lot about perfectionism lately.  

How it permeates our modern culture in insidious ways that are hard to catch.  And how the outside inside voices of society tell us nothing is ever “enough.”  And how the added pressure of the pandemic is exacerbating perfectionism for many of us.  

We set unreasonable expectations on ourselves and each other. As we desperately struggle to create a sense of control when life feels out of control.

The late Jungian analyst Marion Woodman said the following about perfectionism:

“Driven to do our best - in every corner of our lives - we try to make ourselves into works of art.  Working so hard to create our own perfection we forget that we are human beings.”

What is that root of perfectionism?  

A disconnection from the Unconditionally Loving Inner Parent.  That nurturing, loving, life giving force that lives in all of us.  That teaches us about the ability to experience joy in life.  To have faith in being.  To trust in life as it unfolds.  

This week’s episode of Tune In with Marci is all about freeing ourselves to honor our own truth. And to release ourselves from the shackles of the “should’s.” 

In this episode I explore:

  • What is perfectionism and why is it a form of addiction?

  • Why perfectionism is usually our obstacle to self-acceptance.

  • How to start healing perfectionism.  

  • And key questions to guide you back to your own unconditional love. 

Much love,


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