How plant spirits brought me back to wholeness

Plant and fungi spirits have the power to bring us back into wholeness. 

Supporting our stuck grief to move and tears to flow. Accessing parts of ourselves we disconnected from and left behind to feel safe. Softening the hard edges of our inner protectors.  And opening us up to the joy hidden in the crevices of our hearts.  

Plant and fungi spirits are my cherished teachers and elders. Loving powers that hold me during my most vulnerable and raw moments.  

And supporters to lean on as my relationship with myself and others evolves.  

My relationships with plant spirits show me their generosity time and time again.  Their wisdom and sacredness.  And their willingness to guide us on our path if we are open to them.  

I believe partnering with plant spirits awakens us to our deepest ourselves.  And invite us to be better kin in the collective family living on Earth.    

In Braiding Sweetgrass, author Robin Wall Kimmerer says “In some Native languages the term for plants translates to “those who take care of us.”  This quote sums up the loving essence of plant consciousness. And our inherent relationship with the green world many of us have lost.  

These elder consciousnesses remind me on a daily basis of who I truly am and where I belong.  And how to embody this alignment. In other words, plant spirits bring me back to myself when I’ve gone astray.    

In my latest article in Authentic Insider I reflect on how plant spirits helped me heal my childhood sexual trauma. 

I share:

  • How I started my plant spirits journey.

  • How a chance encounter with the plant yarrow helped me learn how to cultivate healthy boundaries.

  • The grief I discovered deep down underneath my trauma.  And how the plant violet supported me to process my grief.

  • A powerful poisonous plant ally that empowered me to get back into my body.

  • And how I started reconnecting to my sensuality.    

Read the article now HERE.

Want to develop personal relationships with plant and fungi spirits? Join my plant spirit focused Patreon where we do exactly that. Tiers start at $10 a month. Learn more and sign up HERE.

Much love,


PS.  If you loved this blog post, I know you’ll love episode 76 of my podcast. I share about my sacred plant medicine journey with magic mushrooms.  t’s only the most spiritual significant moment of my life. Listen now HERE.