How Play Heals Us

Play and mindful awareness while outdoors is a magical way to support ourselves on a rough day.  

Recently while hiking in the woods with my husband I suggested we play a game.  I’d had a rough day, feeling pretty exhausted and down after weeks of big health challenges. You know those times where you feel like you cannot win in life?  It was one of those.  

With the jury still out on what was happening for me healthwise, I found myself feeling a low simmer anxiety.  My mind kept creeping into the future. Moving me out of the present and into my fear.  

“What about if we play a game to see how many different fungi we find?” I suggested. 

As we hiked, we watched for fungi trailing up standing trees. Covering the edges and sides of fallen logs.  And scanned the forest floor.

We saw gorgeous tiny brown, tan, and white half circles climbing up trees. And multicolored turkey tail mushrooms with rings of brown, gold, and blue crowning the edges of fallen logs.  

Mushrooms were literally everywhere. I found myself astounded at how many we found!  

As we kept our eyes peeled for new sightings, the trail we’ve walked many times suddenly felt new, exciting, and magical.  I felt the heavy grief I’d been carrying from the past few weeks start to lift. And despite the very cold mountain air, I found my spirit feeling warmed and renewed.  

I’ve played these kinds of games on hikes and walks outdoors many times. Using the power of my awareness, and curiosity to bring me more into the present moment and connect me with a fresh state of mind.  

On this week’s episode of Tune In with Marci I explore what happens when you turn an ordinary walk into a game.

I share:

  • The results of my fun experiment while walking in the woods. 

  • How more play can decrease anxiety and support our nervous system.

  • Simple games that you can play on your next walk.

  • And a magical practice to bring more inspiration the next time you step outdoors.  

Much love,


PS.  You could save $100 off Intuition Unlocked in my Black Friday sale thru Sunday, November 28th!  Save now HERE.