How we create separation from our spirit

When we believe the spiritual world is separate from the material, we create separation inside ourselves.  Cutting ourselves off from our own inner wisdom and personal compass.

Over the years I’ve been asked the same question in different forms.  The essence of this question is how does the spirit world connect to our practical everyday life?  And recently someone asked me this question about plant spirits.

To understand my answer to this question we first need to imagine we’re visiting our ancient, wise, elder ancestors together.  Imagine that we’re sitting with a wise council of ancestors who understand the mysteries of life. And who are eager to guide us everyday. Then, imagine we ask them this question:  how does the spirit world practically connect to our everyday life? I imagine they might answer with surprise and say “what are you talking about?!”

If you’re like me and come from a lineage of people where culture was broken down, your ancient ancestors lived in a time when culture was intact. And spiritual connection with the earth was centered in everyday life. 

For these elders, the spirit world and the material world are not separate. In their cosmovision, the spirit world guides the material world. And so the question is completely perplexing.

For example, in different forms, mythos, and stories, many of our ancient ancestors understand that dreams provide our greatest instructions and wisdom for daily life. Meant to guide our every day actions and decisions.  And in doing so, we align with our personal spirit and the essence of life.  

Working with the spirit world was a way of life.  Not a hobby our ancestors dabbled in. And this cosmovision in different forms still lives on today in intact lineages and with many indigenous peoples. But in a modern Western culture where I was born and raised, this wider understanding has been severed.  

When we separate the spiritual from the material, 50% of life and ourselves moves into the shadow.  

Creating separation in ourselves from our heart’s wisdom.  Contributing to spiritual, emotional, mental and physical disharmony. But this can change.

As I’ve worked with students and clients over the years, I’ve noticed that people can reweave a more holistic view of the world and themselves. For example, by developing a personal dream practice. Cultivating a relationship with their ancient ancestors, and plant spirits. Over time through these practices, many people realize a spiritual reality is always ever present in life. And there are specific ways we can intentionally access this subtle layer of life. To support our wellbeing, alignment, and cooperation as members of the Earth community.  

This is why I am so passionate about plant spirits. I see plant spirits as the bridge between the spiritual and the material. They serve as an easy bridge because they have a physical body like humans and we see them in our everyday life. But they are also, if you open yourself to the experience, very spiritual beings. Never taking their foot out of the liminal. And fully embodying the different realms of life and their own being.  

This is different from our ancestors. If a relative I know transitions, I may still encounter them through the spiritual world in dreams.  Or uncanny and unexplainable experiences in waking life. However, I cannot engage with them in their material body form. Plant spirits however, do exist in both.  And that’s what makes them masterful teachers at addressing this question.

This week on Tune In with Marci, I dove further into this question.  And answered listener questions on topics ranging from plant spirits to dreams to ancestors. 

I explored:

  • How do you know when a plant spirit is calling you?

  • When she started noticing the plants communicating how and when to use them.

  • Why poisonous plants are power plants and their unique affinity with the underworld. 

  • How plant spirits practically connect to our everyday lives.

  • How to start an ancestor practice.  And why genealogy is spirit work.

  • Her go-to practices, herbs, and stones for navigating seasons of transition in life.

  • Why do we have bad dreams?

  • And navigating spirit contact, psychic boundaries, and the world of vivid dreamers who travel at night. 

Want to develop a personal connection with the plant spirit world?  I’ve just opened up five spots for a structured three month 1:1 plant spirit journey.  During our time together, I’ll guide you through a step-by-step process to work with a plant teacher in-depth.  I have four spots left  To learn more, schedule a 30 minute discovery session with me HERE.  

Much love,


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