Why do animals show up in dreams? Here's one reason

Have you ever had an animal show up in a dream and wonder why?  

One night while I nestled in a tropical retreat, I heard a noise.  As I stepped out into the moonlit night to explore the sound, I heard a rustling in the bushes.  I paused and took a few steps back.  Who or what is behind the bush?

While I paused, a tiger emerged from the brush.  Their amber eyes glistened in the moonlight. 

As my breath escaped me I ran back into the small glass house where I was staying.  As I wrapped myself in covers, the tiger started encircling where I huddled.  I felt mesmerized and terrified.  

And then...I woke up.  

Animals have visited my dreams for years.  Diverse wild cats, possums, birds, and snakes are some of the animals that walk through my dreams at night.  Some come to visit for one night and others for months, even years at a time.

What does it mean when an animal shows up in our dreams?  There are many reasons.  Here’s one reason to get you started.

Animals visit us to show us a part of ourselves we’ve left behind.  

This can be a quality, a way of being, or a way of living to embody.  

For example, tiger gave me the confidence to let go of conformity and embrace my rare wild nature. I felt imprisoned in the world of Instafabulous.  The perfect photos, constant social media posts, and pressure to have massive followings.  The constant need to be on, public, and perfect didn't match the ebbs and flows of my personal rhythms. That's where tiger comes in.  Tiger showed up to encourage me to “own my stripes” in my business. In other words, to define “success” on my terms.    

As I felt the push of my industry and the pull of myself, the presence of the tiger healed this fissure in me.  For example, tiger gave me the courage to:  

  • Make the unconventional decision to have breaks between podcast seasons.  These breaks replenish my energy and generate new creative soil.  

  • Post on social media based on my personal rhythym.  This means I share during bursts of creativity, clarity and inspiration.  And step away during moments of observation, pause, and rest.  

  • Snap the photos I find meaningful in the moment even if it means my feed is not perfectly “on brand.” 

When an animal arrives in our dreamspace, it’s a gift for us to grow.  

This can look like:

  • Eagles who invite us to use the strength of our vision.

  • Lions who prepare us to step into our power and leadership.

  • Snakes who beckon us to shed our old identities that no longer serve us.

  • And possums who shine light on the value of moving slow, or going unnoticed during conflicts.  Maybe you don’t need to get entangled in that fight.  

If an animal appears in your dreams, celebrate and get curious.  Explore whether an aspect of yourself is seeking integration, acknowledgement, practice, or embodiment.  Consider the strengths of this animal and how they could enrich your own life.

If you’re curious to learn more about animals in dreams, I have news!  You’re going to love my upcoming course: Dream Interpretation for Sensitive Souls.  It’s a seven-week practical journey for sensitives with vivid dreams who want to know what they mean!  Doors for enrollment open next Monday, August 31st.  

You can get a taste of the material at my upcoming online dream workshop.  You'll learn a simple practice to jump start a dream practice.  And I'm sharing an exclusive offer only available to workshop participants.  You don’t want to miss it!      

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