Decoding dream symbols

The next time you have a dream with a snake in it...don't google the meaning. Google yourself.⁠

When I first started exploring my dreams, internet searching was my go-to for meanings. The problem was, the meaning didn't always fit. ⁠

For example, I’d dream about an animal.  But when I searched for the meaning online I’d find patchy results. In rare cases, a website's musing on the animal felt spot on. But more often than not, I sat there scratching my head I missing something? ⁠

Sometimes I'd try to convince myself that the meaning I read on a dream website was the right meaning...but I just couldn't see it yet. As I judged my own abilities, I blocked my own inner knowledge that a different message was trying to come through.

Dream dictionaries override our inner knowing when we see someone else's interpretation as "expert" even when it doesn't fit...⁠

That's why I believe...⁠

🔮EVERYONE should have a dream practice. ⁠

🔮YOU are the expert of your dreams. ⁠

You just need a dependable method to interpret your dreams. ⁠

When I developed a personal dream practice I finally could:⁠

💖Know the next steps my dreams ask me to take.⁠

💖Address fears and challenges head on.⁠

💖See past surface-level issues and bring root causes to my therapist and healing mentors. ⁠

💖Align with my life's purpose. Yes I get messages about this in my dreams!⁠

In other words, a dream practice helped me to align, grow AND heal. ⁠

In the meantime, check out this week’s episode of Tune In with Marci where I explored how to decode dream symbols.

I explored:

  • What are dream dictionaries and why do we use them?

  • Why googling a dream symbol can make dream interpretation harder, not easier at first.

  • The relationship between dream interpretation and your personal power.

  • Why sensitive people especially need to avoid dream dictionaries.

  • And three ways you can start to master your own dream interpretation.

Much love,


PS.  If you want to learn how to interpret your own dreams, I teach a practical simple-to-use method in my online seven week dream interpretation program. Waitlist opening soon :) Join my newsletter HERE to be the first to know!⁠

PSS.  What would be possible in your life if you could interpret your dreams? ⁠Tell me in the comments below.