The season for dreaming

Fall is a great time to focus on dream work.

It’s a seasonal time when:

  • The veils between the worlds start to thin as winter draws nearer.

  • Daylight shortens and nighttime lengthens.

  • And the botanical world around us begins to turn energy and focus inward.

So it’s no surprise that so many people I’ve spoken to in the last two weeks are having more dreams. And vivid ones. It’s literally the season for dreaming. 

Dreams live in the liminal. The threshold between the seen and unseen.  The waking and the sleeping life. The tangible material human and intuitive spirit realms.  

If you’ve ever thought about picking up a dream practice, now is the perfect time.  

I often get asked, how do you start a dream practice? And the first step is simple.  Write down your dreams.  

It’s amazing how often people skip this simple step. And how much richness can come from simply acknowledging our dreams in the first place.  

On this week’s podcast of Tune In with Marci, I reflected more on how to start a dream practice And answered nine more common dream questions. 

I explored:

  • How to know when ancestors and past lives are connected to your dreams.  

  • Why future focused dreams are not always premonitions.  

  • How to distinguish your anxious dreams from meaningful dreams.  

  • And so much more!

Tell me in the comments below, have you noticed a shift in your dreams with the change in season?

Much love,
