
Can poisonous plants heal us?

Can poisonous plants heal us?

I never expected to have poisonous plants become my closest allies. Supporting my personal healing and the sacred work I facilitate with others.

When I follow the thread of when poisonous plants showed up in my life, I continue to discover that they called me much sooner than I consciously recognized. In fact, every few months they show me another moment in time when they called me and I wasn't quite ready to say yes. For example, recently my husband started reading a book that I read not quite a decade ago. And guess who stars in the first chapters of the book? Poisonous plants :)

Poison as medicine

Poison as medicine

The most freeing choice we can make is to turn our poisons into medicine. And it also requires the greatest courage.

From the impact of childhood traumas to the ancestral burdens we carry, there is wisdom in the poison of our wounding.

Recently I was catching up with a dear spiritual friend of mine that I haven’t spoken to for quite some time. But we’ve had deep spiritual conversations and attended retreats together on and off for the last eight years.