Joy Tip Wednesday - It IS Your Time

Joy Tip Wednesday - It IS Your Time

Over the last three weeks I’ve been busting through the three major myths that keep us stuck.  They are not-so-sweet lies we tell ourselves to keep us from moving forward.  The stories that make us pretend that we don’t deserve to be happy, to live the life that we daydream about, or to think that something could be different.  This week I move onto myth #3:  It's not my time.  

Joy Tip Wednesday - Self-Love

Joy Tip Wednesday - Self-Love

I never thought I didn’t love myself.

If someone had asked me if I loved myself, I’m confident that my 20-something self would have said, “Yes.” The truth is, in subtle ways I neglected to honor my needs, my voice, my expression, my feelings…my being. This showed up in many ways. I worried about what other people needed and forgot what I needed. “What do you need?” was never a question I asked myself. I’d say “yes” when I really needed to say “no.” I’d allow people to dump their feelings on me in service of being a good listener. When I walked away from the conversation, I felt drained and emotionally beaten up. I avoided sharing my feelings or point of view to keep the peace.

Joy Tip Wednesday - Hope

Joy Tip Wednesday - Hope

“We can’t live without hope, ” says Gallup Senior Scientist Shane J. Lopez.  As I prepared to lead many workshops over the last week and reflected on this week’s political transition, hope has been on my mind.  That’s when I stumbled upon Shane Lopez’s research.  According to his research, hope is both essential to our mental well being and contagious.  As I watched students, friends, and strangers struggle with hope in this transitional time, I wondered, if hope is so essential how do we lose it?