Joy Tip Wednesday: Change Your Lenses

Joy Tip Wednesday:  Change Your Lenses

A couple of months ago I was waiting for the metro.  It was Monday and I was tired.  As I waited for the train to come, one of my best friends called me.  Often on Mondays after we've both finished teaching (him dance, me yoga) as I patiently wait for the subway to take me home to bed, we catch up.  I always look forward to our calls because he just gets me.  In the middle of our conversation a commotion started next to me as a group of young boys started fighting each other. 

Joy Tip Wednesday: What Do You Need?

Joy Tip Wednesday:  What Do You Need?

Needs.  The magic word that makes the world go round.  It's been on my mind because it's often at the center of my work with one-on-one clients.  Lately as I've been coaching several couples, it's at the center of their sticky conflict points that they can't seem to walk past.  And this perplexing thing called needs has been at the center of countless conversations I've had with friends and family these days.  

Joy Tip Wednesday: Stop Thinking to Listen

Joy Tip Wednesday:  Stop Thinking to Listen

"That's like repeating seventh grade for the third one wants to do that," said my chiropractor.  He and I always have the best conversations as he twists and gently cracks my spine back into alignment.  Two kindred, curious souls, on this path called life.  We're always reviewing what's happening in my life, the questions hanging out in my mind late at night, the ahas, the stuck points, the things I'm excited about for my business, but never just the weather. 

Joy Tip Wednesday: Expand Your Heart

Joy Tip Wednesday:  Expand Your Heart

It's Wednesday.  On a week with so much love and so many tears all at once.  With news of Orlando, what are we to do in a world where it feels like there is so much hate?  

My old post about what to do in dark times, still feels relevant.  But today I want to get personal in a way that many of you may not know because the events in Orlando are a strange tapestry of connections with my past and my present.

Joy Tip Wednesday: How to Not Give Up

Joy Tip Wednesday:  How to Not Give Up

Few people would put the words "give up" next to me.  Probably because I'm not a quitter.  But that doesn't mean that sometimes I don't have the urge to just give up.  

Whether it's relationships, a project, a job, or a city where I lived, I've wanted to walk away and give up many times.  To let go of dreams I had.  To let go of principals I care about.  And 2016 is no exception.

Joy Tip Wednesday: Wisdom from the Future

Joy Tip Wednesday: Wisdom from the Future

It's Wednesday and usually by now I'm all jazzed up about my Joy Tip.  This week when I reflected on what to share I was met with blankness.  It's not that nothing is going on in my practice, or that I'm not having insights.  I just wasn't clear what I was called to share.  And then, what came to me is this.  Last week I made a pretty earth shattering decision...

Joy Tip Wednesday: Generate Some Love

Joy Tip Wednesday: Generate Some Love

So I'm back home in the Washington, DC area after 10 days in the mountains of California.  On land where the silence and stillness was so potent that the wings of a prey bird flying overhead sounded like a jet plane swooping by.  As one can imagine, it's quite a jarring experience to come back to a world where sounds and stimulation is bountiful.  And while I've been retreating in various locations with different teachers and returning to DC for nearly a decade now, it's still tough to come back...